Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Art in the news: John Dies at the End being made into a movie next year.

Not too long ago, the teaser trailer for a movie based off my favorite book "John Dies at the End" was released. The part psycological thriller, part mystery, part comedy, part romance, part drug trip has been in the making for a few years and its exciting to see what they have done with the adaption. From the teaser, they look like they kept true to the novel in terms of scenery and character descriptions, One can only hope that they don't skip out on any of the parts that might offend a few people (punting kittens, penis doorknobs, racist demons, and of course the mansion scenes). It will also be interesting to see how they tie all the events in the book together.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Crit Me Diver Dan

Because working on capstones is for chumps and people who want to pass art.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Movie Review: Ju-On

 Foreign horror movies can lose their meaning when their translated and the story is lost or perhaps the imagery is lost on Western audiences, but even I have too wonder why they had a basketball Granny ghost as an antagonist for a ghost movie. Made by the man who made "Ringu", Ju-On is pretty much what you would expect from a Jap horror film, creepy little kids who scream at people for some reason, thats pretty much the main aspect of the film but replace it with said basket ball Granny (AKA Hoops the Ghost)
Theres a certain sort of charm I guess from seeing some old lady scream at school girls and cake delivery guys with a basketball.

Ju-On: 2.5/5