Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Crit Me: Front Cover

This was the first design I did for the G&W Review cover, not much of a difference just moved around some of the letters and switched the target to the backside.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Art Review: The Fly (1958)

Its hard for movies to age, this is ecspecially true for horror movies. What was once horrifying back in yester-year, can become cheesy and comedic now. Fortunately, this is not the case. The Fly is a classic retelling of the famous "scientist with a transporter accidentally switches arm and head with a common house fly". It's all from the point view from the scientist's wife as she is discussing the tale to her husbands friend (played by good old Vincent Price) as she explains what happened. Theres a good deal of suspence in the film too, and the growing suspense of wondering what the scientist's actions will be and how deformed he has become keeps almost anyone glued to the screen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Art Review: Phase-7

You know the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover"? This is one of those movies that goes against expectations. One would expect this to be another run of the mill zombie apocalypse movie. But this Argentinian film actually does a good job playing against those expectations and builds it all up for the story. The main characters also add a lot of fun to the movie. Coco, an unskilled action survivor teams up the survivalist conspiracy nut work together to scavenge food and survive in their quarantined apartment complex. Its a great blend of action and comedy, and is one of those hidden jems thats so hard to find.

Phase 7: 4/5

Friday, February 17, 2012

Art in the News: Tim and eric movie hits theaters this March

The comedy duo, Tim and Eric. Will be revealing their movie (which is currently on demand) to theaters across America. The plot involes the titular duo gaining a billion dollars to use for their dream movie, only for their dream to run off track causing them to lose all the money. I'm pretty excited for this movie to come out and I will admit the show is a guilty pleasure of mine. A lot of critics have complained about the weird humor and gross out moments, but I'm sure it will appease its cult fanbase.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crit-Me: Patches

This a random Patch I made in Illustrator.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Art Review: Hommer Simpson/Seinbluth

 Ever wonder what would happen if David Lynch had created "The Simpsons" or "Seinfield", neither have I. But the web animations by Australian animator "Hutz" is pretty good idea. The plot (if any) is best described as a jig-saw puzzle with assorted events that are left to the interpretation of the viewer allowing them to come up with their own theorys and ideas. Most of it is random nonsense or just disturbing, but its
definitely an entertaining series.

Hommer/Seinbluth: 4/5

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crit Me: Some Guys in Space

This is the planet I made using Lawlers planet maker thing

Friday, February 3, 2012

Art Review: Vincent Price's Voice

Today I thought I would do something different, instead of a movie or music review, I am going review the voice of the late great Vincent Price. Vincent Price's voice is reknown for its sublety and eerie charm that has made it trademark of many movies. Many claim that Vincent Price's voice is able to raise the dead and summon vampires. If Bella Lugosi and Lawn Chaney Jr. Starred in a movie (and Boris Karloff made a suprise appearence) with Vincent Price's voice, whole countries would crumble with fear and would die of sheer fright. That is why I'm giving Vincet Price's voice

Vincent Price's Voice: 5/5

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Crit Me: I am your dentist...

....and I enjoy the career that I've picked.