Monday, April 30, 2012

Martians came to earth to mess with human beacause Mars sucks so they told everyone that Emeralds are all the color grue until it is the year 2000 then they are green again, and for some rasin the humans beleived them. So now now its past 2000 and people are still talking about it and I think its supposed to be about how meanings can change.
Meanwhile on Mars, aliens are probably hi fiving the Martian who came up with the idea

Monday, April 23, 2012

How have vidya' games changed art?

Like all things, games have done some good, and of course some bad.
The good being games that have great story, fresh concepts, or actually have meaning.

The flip side.
We also get games that have reused cliches. Bland,or tasteless games that are just the same game repackaged thing that will sacrifice story and depth for some "sweet ass explosions" or "lots of tits" that gives the industry a bad image.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

What if there was no art?

I would probably just shut down, and go into catonic boredom....

Of course I'm sure you could never completly get rid of art.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Crit Me: B&W Fernando the Great

"Well he was born with out a body
Not even a brow
I made the kid a promise
I made the kid a vow
He's not conventionally handsome
He'll never be tall
He said "all you got to do is
Book me into Carnegie Hall""
-Tom Waits, Eyeball Kid

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Art in the News: C2E2 this weekend

This weekend is the the Third Annual C2E2 (Chicago Comic Entertainment Expo). From Friday to Sunday, comic and TV artists will be there, signing autographs, talking about current projects, selling merchandise, and more. Other things to check out is the entertainment and of course the collectible merchandise booths. Come and see the costumes and look for your favorite (or least favorite) characters among the greasy faced teens/man-children (like me!). Come in and see the original actor for C3PO, have a wonderful day in the neiborhood with Mr.Mcfeely as he talks about his time with Mister Rogers. Theres lots to do and so little time (and available tickets)