Friday, September 2, 2011

Finding bad movies has sort've become a hobby for me and a friend of mine.Our search for the worst of the worst has taken us to many weird places and found many of odd movies.
But every once in awhile I'll find something thats so odd and at sometimes cheesy, you cant help but sit back and smile.
This is one of those movies.
The story is about a man who has taken on the role as the loveable clown, "Bruce Burger".
He often takes this role to an extreme and has frequent hallutionations involving his dead boss, and his puppet sidekick "Peter Pepporoni"
The plot of the story is, the reknown amusment park has come under new managment after the former owners untimely murder.
The movie has many bland cookie cutter 80's characters you have the Jock, the Nerd, the Ditzy Chick, so on and so forth.
But the real showstealer is Bruce.
Contrary to the cover, Bruce is actually a pretty sympathetic character and you soon start to empathize with him as the story proggresses.
An underated Black Comedy now on Instant Netflix, check it out.


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