Friday, March 9, 2012

Art Review: Paranoia xp

"Are you unhappy, citizen? May I be of assistance? The Computer is your friend."
Paranoia XP is another instalment of the beloved role-playing series. Players take the role of troubleshooters, an "elite" (heavy quotations on elite) group of secret police living in the Dystopia Utopia of Alpha Complex. Players must complete objectives from the beloved caretaker of Alpha Complex, The Computer (AKA The giant eye ball on the big screen). Battling mutants, commies, and the most dangerous enemy of all Mutant Commies. Players themselves must also hide their secret identities of being mutants and/or being a part of a secret society devoted to taking control of Alpha Complex. Players are encouraged to lie, cheat, and betray help and work together with
their friends at the best opportunity, hence the name Paranoia.
The following review is above RED-Clearence, failure to follow clearence protocols will result in termination. Have a nice day
Gamemasters must use the players as toys, to be beaten with a stick and given a treat afterward for their determination and creativity. Gamemasters are all knowing  and are never to be questioned by the players, players should never know the rules and should be punished for use of tactics, meta-gaming, or strategy in games.

All in all Paranoia xp is a fun twisted time that will entertain most any gameing groups as long as they can deal with the implausibility and chaos of it.

"Please report for termination immediatley. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day."

Paranoia xp: 5/5

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