Friday, May 18, 2012

To any Seniors reading this.

Sing a-long if you know the words.

"Hey, this was really fun

 We hope you liked it too

 Seems like we've just begun

 When suddenly we're through

 Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye

 Cause now it's time to go
 But, hey, I say, well, that's OK

 Cause we'll see you very soon, I know

 Very soon, I know

 Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye

 And tomorrow, just like today
 (Goodbye - today)"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Double Crit Me: Its a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

'There's a house on my block
That's abandoned and cold
Folks moved out of it a
Long time ago
And they took all their things
And they never came back
Looks like it's haunted
With the windows all cracked
And everyone call it
The house, the house where
Nobody lives"
- House Where Nobody Lives, Tom Waits

Friday, May 4, 2012

Art Review: Time of the Apes

The Japanese science fiction/fantsy movie, Time of the Apes is another one of those charming B movies to come out of the late 80s. Put together from the miniseries of the same name, Time of the Apes is a story of children, cryogenic freezing, time travel, and of course bad ape suits. Our protagonist Johhny, is a small boy who just doesnt care (Look up the clip "Johnny doesnt care" on YouTube) as he and his friend/sister go to a cryogenics lab to see their friend Catherine, who is a scientist. Earthquakes happen stuff breaks and the trio ends up frozen and awake in a future where Apes rule and mankind is almost extinct. Its cheesy, weird, and at times bizarre; but thats what makes it great.