Friday, May 4, 2012

Art Review: Time of the Apes

The Japanese science fiction/fantsy movie, Time of the Apes is another one of those charming B movies to come out of the late 80s. Put together from the miniseries of the same name, Time of the Apes is a story of children, cryogenic freezing, time travel, and of course bad ape suits. Our protagonist Johhny, is a small boy who just doesnt care (Look up the clip "Johnny doesnt care" on YouTube) as he and his friend/sister go to a cryogenics lab to see their friend Catherine, who is a scientist. Earthquakes happen stuff breaks and the trio ends up frozen and awake in a future where Apes rule and mankind is almost extinct. Its cheesy, weird, and at times bizarre; but thats what makes it great. 

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