Friday, October 28, 2011

Countdown to Halloween: Day 5 Movie Review

So today I thought I'd do something a bit different. Instead of another bad movie, I will instead reveiw a movie that I always remember watching around Halloween, and maybe you have too. This Cartoon Network special is based around the Ray Bradbury story of the same name, maybe its the nostalgia filter talking but this is probably one of greatest Halloween movies that captures the true spirit of the holiday.

Halloween Tree: 5/5


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Countdown 3: Critique Me: ReDone Doodle

I did'nt really have anything to post of mine that was scary or Halloweenish except this doodle that I did about a month back that I posted when I was about half-way through and I said I would post the finished production.
so yeah....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Countdown to Halloween: Day 2 Hide and Seek

Looking for something to do this Halloween? Ever heard of the game "One Man Hide and Seek"? OMHS is a Japenese ritual that involves putting a spirits soul into the doll, so think Ouiji board but with those old toys gathering dust in your basement.

There are a few things you need to do this
-Red string
-Rice (uncooked)
-A doll (duh)
-A knife

First empty out the doll of its stuffing, replace said stuffing with the rice, this represents a persons insides. Next everyone participating must put a fingernail into the doll. Next sew up the doll with the string, this represents a persons veins.
Now give the doll a name (not yours). Before anything else, figure out a hiding space place a cup of saltwater in the room. Next fill your bathtub till its full and leave the doll in it. Now wait until its 3am, turn off all the lights in the house and all electronics. Yell from another you (your name) is it three times. Go back to the tub and stab the doll 3 times and say "(dolls name) is it!" Take the doll out of the tub and leave the knife by its side.
Now go to your hiding spot and see what happens.....

Monday, October 24, 2011

Countdown to Halloween: Day 1 Art in the News : The Body Farms

I desided to the week leading up to Halloween I would do some blog posts that would fit with the holiday, and since Lawler said Science is Art I give you the the Amazing Body Farm. Now whats a Body Farm? A Body Farm is a relativley new technique that forensic scientists are using to determine how old a body is by keeping notes on how long the body has been laying out and how the effects of rotting do to the body. The Farms also give out tours of the area, so if you ever need something to do this Halloween...
More Info-

Friday, October 21, 2011

Not-so Fabulous Friday

 Looking for bad movies can lead people into many strange places. Those who have seen enough are generally acustom to the odd sights in said movies. But evey once in a while you will come across a movie that will leave you genuinly disturbed. My fellow bad movie finder and I wewre browsing our selection when I suggested the movie "Megan is Missing". The movie is supposed to be similar to films like the Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity by chronicling the disapearence of two teenage girls Amy and Megan. We expected a really cheesy teen scare movie, and for the most part it was. About an hour in, we were stitches at the movies bad acting and even worse dialouge. But there was something though, during the last 30 minutes of the movie theres a scene even we were disturbed by. Now my friend and I are what some people would call "nightmare fetishits", these are people who love to indulge in the shocking or grotesque, we've laughed at some things that most would be disguted by. But that last scene really got to the both of us to the point there was this dead silence.
Im not going to lie and say that seeing this film will leave you the same way, everyones fears and nightmares vary and maybe this film will leave you with a very "meh" feeling but thats okay. I plan on showing this to my friends on Halloween since I know they get creeped out by these sort've things and to be honest I cant wait to see their reactions.

Megan is Missing: 3/5

Monday, October 17, 2011

Art in the news

Have heard of a guy named David Petersen? He is the head author and illustrator of the Eisner winning comic book Mouse Guard. While the books are targeted to younger audiences, it has attracted a much broader audience. I started reading the books awhile ago, but thats not what im going to discuss. Im going to talk about how the illustrator makes and prepares the scenery in his books before putting it down on paper.          
He first makes a 3D model out of cardboard and paper and makes it all set to scale and keeps the models for reference for later use. I've never really see this in alot of artists who work on graphic novels and I would like to see more like it.

Davids Blog-

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fudgie Fridays Movie Review

 So its that time again, this weeks movie is Aaah! Zombies!!                                                                                      I first heard about this movie from Chiller (the horror channel). The movie intrigued since its a comedy romance about zombies, so my first thought was "Shaun of the dead rip-off" but I changed my opinion when I saw it was from the point of view of a group of newly infected zombies. The story is, 4 people eat ice cream laced with the zombie virus and become creatures of the night and with the help of an infected soldier, they must now survive in a world full of drunk bowlers, prejudice humans, and mexican food.
It gets sortve slow at some points in the movie and some of the jokes are a bit stale but its still redeeming in its cheese factor

Aaah! Zombies!!: 2.5/5

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

that Crit me thing

Because when theres nothing to post, you can always just put up a ghost you made

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bad Movie of the Week: Raptor Island

 Whos ready for another bad movie? This weeks movie is the Sci-Fi original "Raptor Island". The story about a group of Navy Seals who get stranded on an island after chasing down some terrorists. The group is soon attacked by some raptors.                                                  Id say more but Lawler is having us do Sketch up

2 stars out of 5

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Last Second Art in the News

Meet Steven J. Backman
Master of the Toothpick
Steven has been working on toothpick art since he was a child and he currently has an exhibit in Maker Faire Bay, San Mateno, California.

Link to the master of toothpicks: