Friday, October 21, 2011

Not-so Fabulous Friday

 Looking for bad movies can lead people into many strange places. Those who have seen enough are generally acustom to the odd sights in said movies. But evey once in a while you will come across a movie that will leave you genuinly disturbed. My fellow bad movie finder and I wewre browsing our selection when I suggested the movie "Megan is Missing". The movie is supposed to be similar to films like the Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity by chronicling the disapearence of two teenage girls Amy and Megan. We expected a really cheesy teen scare movie, and for the most part it was. About an hour in, we were stitches at the movies bad acting and even worse dialouge. But there was something though, during the last 30 minutes of the movie theres a scene even we were disturbed by. Now my friend and I are what some people would call "nightmare fetishits", these are people who love to indulge in the shocking or grotesque, we've laughed at some things that most would be disguted by. But that last scene really got to the both of us to the point there was this dead silence.
Im not going to lie and say that seeing this film will leave you the same way, everyones fears and nightmares vary and maybe this film will leave you with a very "meh" feeling but thats okay. I plan on showing this to my friends on Halloween since I know they get creeped out by these sort've things and to be honest I cant wait to see their reactions.

Megan is Missing: 3/5

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