Friday, October 14, 2011

Fudgie Fridays Movie Review

 So its that time again, this weeks movie is Aaah! Zombies!!                                                                                      I first heard about this movie from Chiller (the horror channel). The movie intrigued since its a comedy romance about zombies, so my first thought was "Shaun of the dead rip-off" but I changed my opinion when I saw it was from the point of view of a group of newly infected zombies. The story is, 4 people eat ice cream laced with the zombie virus and become creatures of the night and with the help of an infected soldier, they must now survive in a world full of drunk bowlers, prejudice humans, and mexican food.
It gets sortve slow at some points in the movie and some of the jokes are a bit stale but its still redeeming in its cheese factor

Aaah! Zombies!!: 2.5/5

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