Friday, May 18, 2012

To any Seniors reading this.

Sing a-long if you know the words.

"Hey, this was really fun

 We hope you liked it too

 Seems like we've just begun

 When suddenly we're through

 Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye

 Cause now it's time to go
 But, hey, I say, well, that's OK

 Cause we'll see you very soon, I know

 Very soon, I know

 Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye

 And tomorrow, just like today
 (Goodbye - today)"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Double Crit Me: Its a Wonderful Day in the Neighborhood

'There's a house on my block
That's abandoned and cold
Folks moved out of it a
Long time ago
And they took all their things
And they never came back
Looks like it's haunted
With the windows all cracked
And everyone call it
The house, the house where
Nobody lives"
- House Where Nobody Lives, Tom Waits

Friday, May 4, 2012

Art Review: Time of the Apes

The Japanese science fiction/fantsy movie, Time of the Apes is another one of those charming B movies to come out of the late 80s. Put together from the miniseries of the same name, Time of the Apes is a story of children, cryogenic freezing, time travel, and of course bad ape suits. Our protagonist Johhny, is a small boy who just doesnt care (Look up the clip "Johnny doesnt care" on YouTube) as he and his friend/sister go to a cryogenics lab to see their friend Catherine, who is a scientist. Earthquakes happen stuff breaks and the trio ends up frozen and awake in a future where Apes rule and mankind is almost extinct. Its cheesy, weird, and at times bizarre; but thats what makes it great. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Martians came to earth to mess with human beacause Mars sucks so they told everyone that Emeralds are all the color grue until it is the year 2000 then they are green again, and for some rasin the humans beleived them. So now now its past 2000 and people are still talking about it and I think its supposed to be about how meanings can change.
Meanwhile on Mars, aliens are probably hi fiving the Martian who came up with the idea

Monday, April 23, 2012

How have vidya' games changed art?

Like all things, games have done some good, and of course some bad.
The good being games that have great story, fresh concepts, or actually have meaning.

The flip side.
We also get games that have reused cliches. Bland,or tasteless games that are just the same game repackaged thing that will sacrifice story and depth for some "sweet ass explosions" or "lots of tits" that gives the industry a bad image.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

What if there was no art?

I would probably just shut down, and go into catonic boredom....

Of course I'm sure you could never completly get rid of art.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Crit Me: B&W Fernando the Great

"Well he was born with out a body
Not even a brow
I made the kid a promise
I made the kid a vow
He's not conventionally handsome
He'll never be tall
He said "all you got to do is
Book me into Carnegie Hall""
-Tom Waits, Eyeball Kid

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Art in the News: C2E2 this weekend

This weekend is the the Third Annual C2E2 (Chicago Comic Entertainment Expo). From Friday to Sunday, comic and TV artists will be there, signing autographs, talking about current projects, selling merchandise, and more. Other things to check out is the entertainment and of course the collectible merchandise booths. Come and see the costumes and look for your favorite (or least favorite) characters among the greasy faced teens/man-children (like me!). Come in and see the original actor for C3PO, have a wonderful day in the neiborhood with Mr.Mcfeely as he talks about his time with Mister Rogers. Theres lots to do and so little time (and available tickets)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Movie Review (By Cinco)

From independant director, Glen Tennis. Comes the the next hit family film, The Pillgrums. Starring everyone's favorite Grumster, Grum! This film takes us back to the days of the Mayflower and the Indians, as we follow the exploits of Grum.

The Pillgrums: 3/5

Monday, March 26, 2012

Topic: Should "Traditional Art"Medias be replaced with "Digital Art" Medias.

Art should never be phased out for a new medium, they should coexist like hamburgers and hotdogs.

Friday, March 23, 2012

What is Beauty?

"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion"
-Francis Bacon

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crit-Eek Me: Childs Drawing

 "And we're not little children
and we know what we want.
And the future is certain
give us time to work it out."
-Road to Nowhere, Talking Heads

Friday, March 16, 2012

Art Review: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

109 years after the end of World War III, The super computer "AM". Has killed off all of humanity, leaving only 5 strangers alive to torture for his own pleasure. Harlan Ellison's "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" is short but memorable story that plays heavily on morality and the human psyche. The story is told from the point of view from one of the unlucky survivors Ted, arguably the "sanest" of the group as the others have either lost sight of what they were or in the case of another character Benny, has lost all of his past self and his humanity after being turned into a beast of horrors. The story does a great job of putting you in the place of Ted as he experiences the grotesque events unfold.

Its hard to explain more without giving away most of the good parts. But the short story is a definite good read if your looking for something different and interesting.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Crit Meh: Fernando the Great (rough sketch)

"Let me fall out the window
With confetti in my hair
Deal out jacks or better
On a blanket by the stairs
I'll tell you all my secrets
But I lie about my past
So send me off to bed forever more"
- Tom Waits, Tango Till They're Sore

Monday, March 12, 2012

Violence:"Murder Simulators"

I found this graph to be a bit interesting considering the amount of controversy these titles stirred. I guess the moral guardians may be a bit off about video games causing violence.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Art Review: Paranoia xp

"Are you unhappy, citizen? May I be of assistance? The Computer is your friend."
Paranoia XP is another instalment of the beloved role-playing series. Players take the role of troubleshooters, an "elite" (heavy quotations on elite) group of secret police living in the Dystopia Utopia of Alpha Complex. Players must complete objectives from the beloved caretaker of Alpha Complex, The Computer (AKA The giant eye ball on the big screen). Battling mutants, commies, and the most dangerous enemy of all Mutant Commies. Players themselves must also hide their secret identities of being mutants and/or being a part of a secret society devoted to taking control of Alpha Complex. Players are encouraged to lie, cheat, and betray help and work together with
their friends at the best opportunity, hence the name Paranoia.
The following review is above RED-Clearence, failure to follow clearence protocols will result in termination. Have a nice day
Gamemasters must use the players as toys, to be beaten with a stick and given a treat afterward for their determination and creativity. Gamemasters are all knowing  and are never to be questioned by the players, players should never know the rules and should be punished for use of tactics, meta-gaming, or strategy in games.

All in all Paranoia xp is a fun twisted time that will entertain most any gameing groups as long as they can deal with the implausibility and chaos of it.

"Please report for termination immediatley. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day."

Paranoia xp: 5/5

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Art Review: The Fly (1986)

On the flip-side, while the original was a mystery and a bit more subtle. David Cronenberg's version takes a new view on the story, turning it into a tragedy and more of a monster flick, which is a good take on the story, rather than just doing a shot by shot remake or just recycling the same story. There are some simularities, the same setup of "scientist mutates with fly" is still there. But instead of a sudden and dramatic change right away, were given a slower but still horrific metamorphasis as we see the main character Seth Brundle ( played by Jeff Goldblum) slowly loses his humanity and changes into something new.

The Fly 4/5

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Crit Me: Front Cover

This was the first design I did for the G&W Review cover, not much of a difference just moved around some of the letters and switched the target to the backside.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Art Review: The Fly (1958)

Its hard for movies to age, this is ecspecially true for horror movies. What was once horrifying back in yester-year, can become cheesy and comedic now. Fortunately, this is not the case. The Fly is a classic retelling of the famous "scientist with a transporter accidentally switches arm and head with a common house fly". It's all from the point view from the scientist's wife as she is discussing the tale to her husbands friend (played by good old Vincent Price) as she explains what happened. Theres a good deal of suspence in the film too, and the growing suspense of wondering what the scientist's actions will be and how deformed he has become keeps almost anyone glued to the screen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Art Review: Phase-7

You know the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover"? This is one of those movies that goes against expectations. One would expect this to be another run of the mill zombie apocalypse movie. But this Argentinian film actually does a good job playing against those expectations and builds it all up for the story. The main characters also add a lot of fun to the movie. Coco, an unskilled action survivor teams up the survivalist conspiracy nut work together to scavenge food and survive in their quarantined apartment complex. Its a great blend of action and comedy, and is one of those hidden jems thats so hard to find.

Phase 7: 4/5

Friday, February 17, 2012

Art in the News: Tim and eric movie hits theaters this March

The comedy duo, Tim and Eric. Will be revealing their movie (which is currently on demand) to theaters across America. The plot involes the titular duo gaining a billion dollars to use for their dream movie, only for their dream to run off track causing them to lose all the money. I'm pretty excited for this movie to come out and I will admit the show is a guilty pleasure of mine. A lot of critics have complained about the weird humor and gross out moments, but I'm sure it will appease its cult fanbase.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crit-Me: Patches

This a random Patch I made in Illustrator.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Art Review: Hommer Simpson/Seinbluth

 Ever wonder what would happen if David Lynch had created "The Simpsons" or "Seinfield", neither have I. But the web animations by Australian animator "Hutz" is pretty good idea. The plot (if any) is best described as a jig-saw puzzle with assorted events that are left to the interpretation of the viewer allowing them to come up with their own theorys and ideas. Most of it is random nonsense or just disturbing, but its
definitely an entertaining series.

Hommer/Seinbluth: 4/5

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crit Me: Some Guys in Space

This is the planet I made using Lawlers planet maker thing

Friday, February 3, 2012

Art Review: Vincent Price's Voice

Today I thought I would do something different, instead of a movie or music review, I am going review the voice of the late great Vincent Price. Vincent Price's voice is reknown for its sublety and eerie charm that has made it trademark of many movies. Many claim that Vincent Price's voice is able to raise the dead and summon vampires. If Bella Lugosi and Lawn Chaney Jr. Starred in a movie (and Boris Karloff made a suprise appearence) with Vincent Price's voice, whole countries would crumble with fear and would die of sheer fright. That is why I'm giving Vincet Price's voice

Vincent Price's Voice: 5/5

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Crit Me: I am your dentist...

....and I enjoy the career that I've picked. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crit Me: Fosters

We don't serve Doif. We only serve Foster's here

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" has been dubbed "The Citizen Kane of bad movies" and it definitely lives up to its title. The low budget film written,directed,produced and even played by Tommy Wiseau, has gained a large cult following and since 2003 the creator has held screening tours for fans to see and make fun of. The story is pretty bland but the real attraction here is Tommy's character Johnny, the cheesy lines, and the unintentional akward moments.
The Room: 3/5

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crit Me: Finals Project

This is the image I made for finals, the character is my self made super villian Dr.Skull-Bore. Yeah I know the zombies look really rushed and stupid

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crit Me: Capstone

Mean't to look like a Pulp Science Fiction, came out like an EC comic instead.
Still came out wrong

Late-Art in the news: Space Oddity Jr

Any Bowie fans out there? Not to recently an artist by the name of  Andrew Kolb, made a childrens book based on the classic Bowie song Space Oddity.
Check it out and download the free PDF if you want in the link-